Environmental Review Board (ERB)

The Environmental Review Board (ERB) is an expert advisory committee established by the Santa Monica Mountains Local Coastal Program (SMMLCP) that assists in assessing impacts of proposed development on biological resources within or in proximity to sensitive environmental resource areas (SERAs) in the SMM Coastal Zone. ERB members are appointed by the Planning Director. The Board meets the third Monday of each month to review development projects in the SMM Coastal Zone.

ERB advises County staff and decision makers on the consistency of proposed development with applicable biological resource protection policies, provisions, and development standards of the SMMLCP. This is achieved through thoughtful review of biological reports and project plans, and making recommendations for project design and/or mitigation measures to address potential impacts to sensitive biological resources.The review process is set forth in Section 22.44.1850 et seq. of the SMMLCP.

ERB Members
ERB Membership Application
2023 Meeting Dates
ERB Procedural Manual
Biological Assessment Review Form (Consultants preparing Biological Assessments should ensure that all items included in this list have been adequately addressed and evaluated. It is a good idea to use this as a checklist when preparing the Biological Report. Cases will not be reviewed by ERB until all items herein have been reviewed and found to be adequate by the DRP Biologist.)
Certified Biological Consultant List
Certified Biological Consultant List Application (updated 9/15/2021)
Certified Biological Consultant List Minimum Qualifications (updated 9/15/2021)

Biological Consultants - Apply now to be added to the list of Biological Consultants certified to prepare biological reports for ERB. Email .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) for more information.

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