Hearing Officer

Hearing Officers are Departmental staff members appointed by the Director of Planning and confirmed by the Board of Supervisors to conduct public hearings and render decisions on non-controversial and routine cases. In addition to approving consent items and conducting public hearings, Hearing Officers also render decisions on Final Zoning Enforcement Orders. Hearing Officer Meetings are held the first and third Tuesday of the month, beginning at 9:00 a.m., in the RPC Hearing Room, 150, Hall of Records, 320 West Temple Street, Los Angeles.


On November 26, 1985, the Board of Supervisors introduced ordinances which allowed the Department of Regional Planning to use staff hearing officers to conduct various public hearings. To facilitate the transition to Hearing Officers, guidelines were established to minimize the distinction between hearings conducted by the Regional Planning Commission and the Hearing Officers.

Both zoning and land division hearings are held the first and third Tuesdays of the month, beginning at 9:00 a.m. There is no ordinance requirement as to time and place of these hearings and in the future they may be rearranged, depending upon prevailing needs and circumstances.

Function of Hearing Officer

To briefly summarize, the functions the Hearing Officer is responsible for include:

  • conducting the public hearing
  • analyzing the merits of a case
  • rendering a decision
  • ensuring the adequacy of the findings and conditions
  • ensuring the decision is not influenced by outside issues or individuals

Procedures for Hearing Officers can be found on pages 203 to 213 of the Interpretations and Procedures Manual.

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