Project No. R2008-00549 / General Plan Amendment No. T2008-00004 / Canyon Residences…
Case Description / Summary
Full Case Title: Project No. R2008-00549 / General Plan Amendment No. T2008-00004 / Zone Change No. RZC T2008-00015 / Conditional Use Permit No. RCUP T2008-00069 / Oak Tree Permit No. ROAK T2008-00015 / Environmental Review No. RENV T2008-00042
Case Downloads
- Appeal 1 (PDF)
- Appeal 2 (PDF)
- DEIR - Volume 1 (PDF)
- DEIR - Volume 2 (PDF)
- DEIR - Volume 3 (PDF)
- DEIR - Volume 4 (PDF)
- Denial Package (PDF)
- November 6, 2010 Regional Planning Commission Community Meeting
- September 29, 2010 Regional Planning Commission Public Hearing
- Meeting Notice (PDF)
- Factual (PDF)
- Land Use Map (PDF)
- Staff Memo to the RPC dated June 24, 2010 (PDF)
- Notice of Preparation and Initial Study (PDF)
- Graphic Figures (PDF)
- Plan Amendment Memo (PDF)
- Staff Memo to the RPC dated September 18, 2008 (PDF)
- September 3, 2008 RPC Discussion/Possible Action
- RPC Package (PDF)