Newhall Ranch Resource Management and Development Plan and Spineflower Conservation Plan (RMDP/SCP)
Case Description / Summary
The Newhall Ranch Resource Management and Development Plan and Spineflower Conservation Plan (RMDP/SCP) project was the subject of a joint Environmental Impact Statement/Environmental Impact Report (EIS/EIR; SCH No. 2000011025) for which the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) and the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) acted as the lead agencies. The CDFW issued a permit for its jurisdiction on December 3, 2010, and the Corps issued a permit for its jurisdiction on October 17, 2012. In response to court directives stemming from the California Supreme Court’s Center for Biological Diversity v. California Department of Fish and Wildlife decision (2015) 62 Cal.4th 204, CDFW prepared and certified additional environmental analysis for the RMDP/SCP project in June 2017 and re-approved the project at that time.
The RMDP component of the RMDP/SCP project is a conservation, mitigation, and permitting plan for the long-term management of sensitive biological resources and development-related infrastructure in the Santa Clara River and tributary drainages within the 11,999-acre Newhall Ranch Specific Plan area and along the extension of Magic Mountain Parkway. The SCP component of the RMDP/SCP project is a conservation and management plan to permanently protect and manage a system of preserves designed to maximize the long-term persistence of the San Fernando Valley spineflower (Chorizanthe parryi ssp. fernandina; spineflower), a federal candidate and state-listed endangered plant species. The SCP encompasses the Entrada South Planning Area, Valencia Commerce Center (VCC) Planning Area, and the Newhall Ranch Specific Plan area.
Case Downloads
- Draft EIS-EIR (2008) (Zipped file over 1.6GB / require longer download time)
- Final EIS-EIR (2010) (Zipped file over 730MB / require longer download time)
- Draft AEA (2016) (Zipped file over 35 MB / require longer download time)
- Final AEA (2017) (Zipped file over 560MB / require longer download time)
- MMRP (Zipped file over 5 MB)