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Page 13 of 13 pages
Project No. R2016-001382-(2) / Parcel Map 74214
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 2, Community, Lennox, Tentative Parcel Map,
Project No. R2012-02851-(2) / Conditional Use Permit 201200162 / Environmental Assessment… Full Case Title: Project No. R2012-02851-(2) / Conditional Use Permit 201200162 / Environmental Assessment 201200303
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 2, Community, Rancho Dominguez, Zoned District, Del Amo ZD, Conditional Use Permit, Environmental Assessment,
Project No. PM067320-(2) / Tentative Parcel Map 067320
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 2, Community, Willowbrook, Zoned District, Willowbrook - Enterprise ZD, Tentative Parcel Map,
Project No. R2005-03510-(2) / Conditional Use Permit 200500225
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 2, Community, Florence - Firestone, Zoned District, Stark Palms ZD, Conditional Use Permit,
Project No.: 2015-02243-(2) / Conditional Use Permit CUP No.: 201500089
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 2, Community, W Athens - Westmont, Zoned District, Gardena Valley ZD, Conditional Use Permit,
Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 063243 / General Plan Amendment 2005-00011-(2) / Zone Change 2005… Full Title: Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 063243 / General Plan Amendment 2005-00011-(2) / Zone Change 2005-00022-(2) / Conditional Use Permit 2005-00236-(2)
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 2, Community, West Carson, Zoned District, Carson ZD, Conditional Use Permit, General Plan Amendment, Tentative Tract Map, Zone Change,
Project No. R2013-02869-(2) / Tentative Parcel Map 072546 / RPPL2017006935
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 2, Community, W Athens - Westmont, Zoned District, West Athens - Westmont ZD, Tentative Parcel Map,
Project No. 2019-003288-(2) / Alpine Village Landmark
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 2, Community, West Carson,
Project No. TR063296-(2) / Conditional Use Permit Modification No. 2019006919 Full Case Title: Project No TR063296-(2) / Amendment to Vesting Tentative TractMap No. 063962 (RPPL2020004367) / Conditional Use Permit Modification No.RPPL2020004417 / Environmental Assessment No. RPPL2020004418
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 2, Community, West Carson, Zoned District, Carson ZD, Supervisorial District 4, Zoned District, Carson ZD, Conditional Use Permit, General Plan Amendment, Tentative Tract Map, Zone Change,
Project No. 2019-001862-(2) / Parking Permit No. RPPL2019003379
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 2, Community, Lennox, Parking Permit,
Project No. PRJ2021-002177-(2) / Conditional Use Permit (CUP) RPPL2021005853 PRJ2021-002177 - RPPL2021005853 - ABC Conditional Use Permit for a 7-Eleven at 3121 Marine Avenue, Alondra Park
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 2, Community, Alondra Park, Conditional Use Permit,
Project No. R2015-01232-(2) / Tentative Tract Map 073082
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 2, Community, Ladera Heights / Viewpark - Windsor Hills, Zoned District, View Park ZD, Tentative Tract Map,
Project No. PM070145-(2) / Tentative Parcel Map 070145
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 2, Community, Willowbrook, Zoned District, Willowbrook - Enterprise ZD, Tentative Parcel Map,
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