Search by Category: Supervisorial District 5
Page 7 of 57 pages
Project No. PM062106-(5) / Tentative Parcel Map No. 062106
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 5,
Project No. PM062105-(5) / Tentative Parcel Map No. 062105
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 5, Tentative Parcel Map,
Project No. PM062107-(5) / Tentative Parcel Map No. 062107
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 5, Tentative Parcel Map,
Project No. PM067164-(5) / Tentative Parcel Map No. 067164
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 5, Tentative Parcel Map,
Project No. PM062804-(5) / Tentative Parcel Map No. 062804
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 5, Tentative Parcel Map,
Project No. R2009-01976-(5) / Oak Tree Permit 200900047
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 5, Community, La Crescenta - Montrose, Zoned District, La Crescenta ZD, Oak Tree Permit,
Project No. TR067617-(5) / Vesting Tentative Tract Map TR067617 / Conditional Use… Full Case Title: Project No. TR067617-(5) / Vesting Tentative Tract Map TR067617 / Conditional Use Permit 200600238 / Environmental Assessment 200600168
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 5, Community, Santa Clarita Valley, Zoned District, Castaic Canyon ZD,
Tentative Tract Map No. 062883
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 1, Community, Covina Islands, Zoned District, Azusa - Glendora ZD, Supervisorial District 5, Community, Covina Islands, Zoned District, Azusa - Glendora ZD, Tentative Tract Map,
Project No. R2009-02223-(5) / CSD Modification 200900008
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 5,
Project No. R2008-00540-(5) / Conditional Use Permit 200800068
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 5, Community, Antelope Valley, Zoned District, Antelope Valley East ZD, Conditional Use Permit,
Project No. R2009-00264-(5) / Conditional Use Permit 200900015
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 5, Community, Santa Clarita Valley, Zoned District, Soledad ZD, Conditional Use Permit,
Project No. R2009-00958-(5) / Conditional Use Permit 200900059
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 5, Community, Santa Clarita Valley, Conditional Use Permit,
Project No. 070971-(5) / Tentative Parcel Map No. 070971 / Oak Tree Permit 2009-00003
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 5, Community, La Crescenta - Montrose, Zoned District, La Crescenta ZD, Oak Tree Permit, Tentative Parcel Map,
Project No. R2010-00286-(5) / RMIS201000001 / Sky Terrace Mobilehome Park
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 5, Community, Lopez Canyon, Zoned District, Mount Gleason ZD,
Project No. R2009-00390-(5) / Conditional Use Permit 2009-00025 Application for a conditional use permit to construct, maintain, and operate a wireless telecommunications facility disguised as a pine tree at 16280 Sierra Highway in Santa Clarita.
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 5, Community, Santa Clarita Valley, Zoned District, Sand Canyon ZD, Conditional Use Permit,
Project No. R2009-01628-(5) / Conditional Use Permit 200900116
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 5, Community, Altadena, Zoned District, Altadena ZD, Conditional Use Permit,
Project No. R2009-00698-(5) / Oak Tree Permit 200900020
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 5, Community, Altadena, Zoned District, Altadena ZD, Oak Tree Permit,
Project No. R2005-01442-(5) / Conditional Use Permit 201000030
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 5, Community, East Pasadena - East San Gabriel, Zoned District, East Pasadena ZD,
Project No. R2005-03084-(5) / Conditional Use Permit 200900132
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 5, Community, South Monrovia Islands, Zoned District, South Arcadia ZD, Conditional Use Permit,
Project No. 94023-(5) / Tentative Map 41043 / Zone Change… Full Case Title: Project No. 94023-(5) / Tentative Map 41043 / Zone Change 94023 / Conditional Use Permit 94023 / Environmental Assessment 94023
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 5, Conditional Use Permit, Environmental Assessment, Tentative Tract Map, Zone Change,
Page 7 of 57 pages