Search by Category: Tentative Tract Map
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Tentative Tract Map 063483 / Minor Modification to Conditional Use Permit 200500202
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 5, Zoned District, Sand Canyon ZD, Tentative Tract Map,
Project No. 02-044-(5) / Modification to Recorded Tract Map 46543
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 5, Community, Antelope Valley, Zoned District, Quartz Hill ZD, Tentative Tract Map,
Project No. TR066664-(5) / Tentative Tract Map No. 066664
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 5, Community, East Pasadena - East San Gabriel, Zoned District, East San Gabriel ZD, Tentative Tract Map,
Project No. R2009-02239 / Tract Map No. TR071035 / AV Solar Ranch One Project Full Case Title: AV Solar Ranch One Project / County Project R2009-02239 / Vesting Tract Map No. TR071035 / Conditional Use Permit No. 200900026 / Environmental Assessment No. 200900027
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 5, Community, Antelope Valley, Zoned District, Antelope Valley East ZD, Antelope Valley West ZD, Conditional Use Permit, Environmental Assessment, Renewable Energy, Tentative Tract Map,
Project No. 89-348-(5) / Tract Map 48160 Full Case Title: Project No. 89-348-(5) / Tentative Tract Map 48160 / Conditional Use Permit 89348 / Environmental Assessment 89348
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 5, Conditional Use Permit, Environmental Assessment, Tentative Tract Map,
Project No. PM 070601-(2) /  Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 070601 / Environmental Assessment… Full Case Title: Project No. PM 070601-(2) / Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 070601 / Environmental Assessment 200800064
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 2, Community, W Athens - Westmont, Zoned District, Athens ZD, Environmental Assessment, Tentative Tract Map,
Project No. 89-455-(5) / Tentative Tract Map 47296 Full Case Title: Project No. 89-455-(5) / Tentative Tract Map 47296 / Zone Change 89455 / Environmental Assessment 89455
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 5, Tentative Tract Map, Zone Change,
Project No. 89-505-(5) / Tentative Tract Map 48251
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 5, Tentative Tract Map,
Project No. 89-604-(5) / Tentative Tract Map 48763 / Conditional Use Permit… Full Case Title: Project No. 89-604-(5) / Tentative Tract Map 48763 / Conditional Use Permit 89604 / Environmental Assessment 89604
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 5, Conditional Use Permit, Environmental Assessment, Tentative Tract Map,
Project No. 89-563-(5) / Tentative Tract Map 48722 / Environmental Assessment ... Full Case Title: Project No. 89-563-(5) / Tentative Tract Map 48722 / Conditional Use Permit 89653 / Environmental Assessment 89653
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 5, Conditional Use Permit, Environmental Assessment, Tentative Tract Map,
Project No. 89-596-(5) / Tentative Tract Map 48204 / Environmental Assessment 89596
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 5, Environmental Assessment, Tentative Tract Map,
Project No. 90-044-(5) / Tentative Tract Map 47149 / Conditional Use Permit ... Full Case Title: Project No. 90-044-(5) / Tentative Tract Map 47149 / Local Plan Amendment 90044 / Conditional Use Permit 90044 / Oak Tree Permit 90044 / Environmental Assessment 90044
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 5, Conditional Use Permit, Environmental Assessment, Oak Tree Permit, Tentative Tract Map,
Project No. 90-086-(5) / Tentative Tract Map 48879 / Conditional Use Permit ... Full Case Title: Project No. 90-086-(5) / Tentative Tract Map 48879 / Conditional Use Permit 90086 / Zone Change 90086 / Environmental Assessment 90086
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 5, Community, Antelope Valley, Zoned District, Palmdale ZD, Conditional Use Permit, Environmental Assessment, Tentative Tract Map, Zone Change,
Project No. 90-118-(5) / Tentative Tract Map 48808 / Environmental Assessment ... Full Case Title: Project No. 90-118-(5) / Tentative Tract Map 48808 / Environmental Assessment 90118
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 5, Community, Antelope Valley, Zoned District, Antelope Valley East ZD, Environmental Assessment, Tentative Tract Map,
Project No. 90-211-(5) / Tentative Tract Map 48253 / Environmental Assessment ... Full Case Title: Project No. 90-211-(5) / Tentative Tract Map 48253 / Environmental Assessment 90211
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 5, Community, Antelope Valley, Zoned District, Antelope Valley East ZD, Environmental Assessment, Tentative Tract Map,
Project No. 90-069-(5) / Tentative Tract Map 49224 / Oak Tree Permit ... Full Case Title: Project No. 90-069-(5) / Tentative Tract Map 49224 / Oak Tree Permit 90069 / Environmental Assessment 90069
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 5, Community, Altadena, Zoned District, Altadena ZD, Conditional Use Permit, Environmental Assessment, Oak Tree Permit, Tentative Tract Map,
Project No. 90-224-(5) / Tentative Tract Map 49567 / Environmental Assessment ... Full Case Title: Project No. 90-224-(5) / Tentative Tract Map 49567 / Environmental Assessment 90224 / Conditional Use Permit 90224 / Oak Tree Permit 90224
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 5, Community, Santa Clarita Valley, Zoned District, Chatsworth ZD, Conditional Use Permit, Environmental Assessment, Oak Tree Permit, Tentative Tract Map,
Project No. 90-249-(5) / Tentative Tract Map 49396 / Environmental Assessment… Full Case Title: Project No. 90-249-(5) / Tentative Tract Map 49396 / Environmental Assessment 90249
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 5, Community, Antelope Valley, Zoned District, Antelope Valley East ZD, Environmental Assessment, Tentative Tract Map,
Project No. 90-268-(5) / Tentative Tract Map 48849 / Environmental Assessment ... Full Case Title: Project No. 90-268-(5) / Tentative Tract Map 48849 / Environmental Assessment 90268
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 5, Community, Antelope Valley, Zoned District, Antelope Valley East ZD, Environmental Assessment, Tentative Tract Map,
Project No. 90-277-(5) / Tentative Tract Map 48552 / Environmental Assessment ... Full Case Title: Project No. 90-277-(5) / Tentative Tract Map 48552 / Environmental Assessment 90277 / Conditional Use Permit 90277
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 5, Community, Antelope Valley, Zoned District, Leona Valley ZD, Environmental Assessment, Tentative Tract Map,
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