Search by Category: Zoned District
Page 20 of 48 pages
Project No. R2006-02217-(5) / Conditional Use Permit 200600168 / Environmental Assessment… Full Case Title: Project No. R2006-02217-(5) / Conditional Use Permit 200600168 / Environmental Assessment 200600150
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 5, Community, East Pasadena - East San Gabriel, Zoned District, East San Gabriel ZD, Conditional Use Permit, Environmental Assessment,
Project No. PM071026-(5) / Tentative Parcel Map 071026
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 5, Community, Charter Oak, Zoned District, Charter Oaks ZD, Tentative Parcel Map,
Project No. PM069685-(5) / Tentative Parcel Map 069865 / Environmental Assessment… Full Case Title: Project No. PM069685-(5) / Tentative Parcel Map 069865 / Environmental Assessment 200700145
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 5, Community, Santa Clarita Valley, Zoned District, Castaic Canyon ZD, Environmental Assessment, Tentative Parcel Map,
Project No. TR30114-(5) / Tentative Tract Map 30114 / Oak Tree Permit… Full Case Title: Project No. TR30114-(5) / Tentative Tract Map 30114 / Oak Tree Permit 200800052 / Conditional Use Permit 200800197
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 5, Community, Santa Clarita Valley, Zoned District, Bouquet Canyon ZD, Conditional Use Permit, Oak Tree Permit, Tentative Tract Map,
Project No. TR062370-(5) / Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 062370
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 5, Community, Antelope Valley, Zoned District, Quartz Hill ZD, Tentative Tract Map,
Project No. TR062702-(5) / Tentative Tract Map No. 062702 / Environmental Assessment… Full Case Title: Project No. TR062702-(5) / Tentative Tract Map No. 062702 / Environmental Assessment 200600016 / Conditional Use Permit 200600017
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 5, Community, Santa Clarita Valley, Zoned District, Soledad ZD, Conditional Use Permit, Environmental Assessment, Tentative Tract Map,
Project No. PM067405-(5) / Parcel Map No. PM067405 / Environmental Assessment… Full Case Title: Project No. PM067405-(5) / Parcel Map No. PM067405 / Environmental Assessment 200600154
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 5, Community, Santa Clarita Valley, Zoned District, Sand Canyon ZD, Environmental Assessment, Tentative Parcel Map,
Project No. R2012-01205-(5) / Conditional Use Permit 201200076
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 5, Community, Antelope Valley, Zoned District, Soledad ZD, Conditional Use Permit,
Project No. R2013-00215-(5) / Conditional Use Permit 201300019 / Environmental Assessment… Full Case Title: Project No. R2013-00215-(5) / Conditional Use Permit 201300019 / Environmental Assessment 201300023
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 5, Community, Antelope Valley, Zoned District, Soledad ZD, Conditional Use Permit, Environmental Assessment,
Project No. R2010-00808-(5) / Conditional Use Permit 201000071 / Antelope Valley Solar Full Case Title: Project No. R2010-00808-(5) / Conditional Use Permit 201000071 / Environmental Assessment 201000032 / Antelope Valley Solar
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 5, Community, Antelope Valley, Zoned District, Antelope Valley West ZD, Conditional Use Permit, Environmental Assessment, Renewable Energy,
Project No. PM068770-(5) / Parcel Map No. PM068770 / Environmental Assessment… Full Case Title: Project No. PM068770-(5) / Parcel Map No. PM068770 / Environmental Assessment 200700033
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 5, Community, East Pasadena - East San Gabriel, Zoned District, East Pasadena ZD, East San Gabriel ZD, Environmental Assessment, Tentative Parcel Map,
Project No. R2011-01370-(5) / Conditional Use Permit 201100130
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 5, Community, Antelope Valley, Zoned District, Antelope Valley East ZD, Conditional Use Permit,
Project No. R2006-00076-(5) / Conditional Use Permit 200600008 / Oak Tree ... Full Case Title: Project No. R2006-00076-(5) / Conditional Use Permit 200600008 / Oak Tree Permit 200700041 / Environmental Assessment 200600008
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 5, Community, Antelope Valley, Zoned District, Castaic Canyon ZD, Conditional Use Permit, Environmental Assessment, Oak Tree Permit,
Project No. R2014-00033-(5) / Vesting Tentative Tract Map 072619
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 5, Community, Santa Clarita Valley, Zoned District, Castaic Canyon ZD, Tentative Tract Map,
Project No. R2013-01727-(5) / Conditional Use Permit 201300088 / Environmental Assessment… Full Case Title: Project No. R2013-01727-(5) / Conditional Use Permit 201300088 / Environmental Assessment 201300149
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 5, Zoned District, Castaic Canyon ZD, Conditional Use Permit, Environmental Assessment,
Project No. R2013-01031-(5) / Conditional Use Permit 201300055
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 5, Community, La Crescenta - Montrose, Zoned District, La Crescenta ZD, Conditional Use Permit,
Project No. TR068450-(5) / Tentative Tract Map No. 068450 / Conditional Use Permit… Full Case Title: Project No. TR068450-(5) / Tentative Tract Map No. 068450 / Conditional Use Permit 200700133 / Environmental Assessment 200700114
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 5, Community, Santa Clarita Valley, Zoned District, Soledad ZD, Conditional Use Permit, Environmental Assessment, Tentative Tract Map,
Project No. R2013-02559-(5) / Conditional Use Permit 201300128
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 5, Community, Antelope Valley, Zoned District, Littlerock ZD, Conditional Use Permit,
Project No. R2013-02808-(5) / Conditional Use Permit 201300150 / Environmental Assessment… Full Case Title: Project No. R2013-02808-(5) / Conditional Use Permit 201300150 / Environmental Assessment 201300240
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 5, Community, Santa Clarita Valley, Zoned District, Newhall ZD, Conditional Use Permit, Environmental Assessment,
Project No. R2013-02907-(5) / Oak Tree Permit 201400009
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 5, Community, East Pasadena - East San Gabriel, Zoned District, East Pasadena ZD, Oak Tree Permit,
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