Title 22 - Agricultural Zones (effective 2019-02-28)

Zone A-1: Light Agriculture

Permitted Uses:

  • Single family residences, crops (field, tree, bush, berry, row and nursery stock) (22.16.030)
  • Greenhouses and raising of cattle, horses, sheep, goats, poultry, birds, earthworms, etc. (22.16.030)

Minimum Required Area:

  • Unless otherwise specified, 5000 sq. ft./lot (22.110.130 and 22.110.140)
  • 1 to 5 acres, depending on type of structures and/or number and types of animals (22.16.030)

Maximum Height Limit:

  • 35 feet for residential uses (22.16.050)
  • 13 times buildable area for non-residential uses (22.110.060)

Standard Yard Requirements and Development Standards:

  • Properties developed with single family residences are subject to the same requirements as in zone R-1 (22.16.050)
  • Animal-related structures must be kept a minimum of 50 feet from streets and highways and structures used for human habitation (22.16.030)
  • Stands for the display and sales of products grown on the property must be wooden, not larger than 300 sq. ft., not nearer than 20 feet from a street, and on a parcel of at least 1 acre (22.16.030)

Zone A-2: Heavy Agriculture

Permitted Uses:

  • Uses permitted in zone A-1 (22.16.030.C)
  • Animal hospitals, dairies, dog kennels, livestock feed lots, manure spreading, oil wells (22.16.030.C)

Minimum Required Area:

  • Unless otherwise specified, 10,000 sq. ft./lot (22.110.130 and 22.110.140)
  • 1 to 10 acres depending on the type of structures, uses, and/or numbers and types of animals (22.16.030.C)

Maximum Height Limit:

  • 35 ft. for residential uses (22.16.050.B)
  • 13 times buildable area for non-residential uses (22.110.060: Height Limits)

Minimum Required Parking:

  • 2 covered spaces per single family residence (22.112.030.B, 22.112.070)
  • For other uses, see applicable uses, Chapter 22.112: Parking

Standard Yard Requirements and Development Standards:

  • Properties developed with single family residences are subject to the same requirements as in zone R-1 (22.16.050)
  • Animal-related structures must be kept a minimum of 50 feet from streets and highways and structures used for human habitation (22.16.030.C)
  • Stands for the display and sales of products grown on the property must be wooden, not larger than 300 sq. ft., not nearer than 20 feet from a street, and on a parcel of at least 1 acre (22.16.030.C)


Please note that effective February 28, 2019, the following Code section references have been updated as listed above.
Visit Title 22 for more information.


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Created On:
Feb 14, 2019
Last Updated:
Jun 01, 2020
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Filed Under:
Zoning Ordinance Summary, Agricultural Zones,