The Entrada South Planning Area consists of approximately 382 acres located west of I-5 and The Old Road, both north and south of Magic Mountain Parkway, and south of Six Flags Magic Mountain theme park in the Santa Clarita Valley. The Project Site is located within the planning boundary of the State-approved Newhall Ranch Resource Management and Development Plan and Spineflower Conservation Plan (RMDP/SCP), which was the subject of an Environmental Impact Report (SCH No. 2000011025) certified by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) in 2017. The Entrada South Project provides for continued implementation of the development facilitated by the approved RMDP/SCP within the Entrada South Planning Area. Entrada South is located adjacent to but not within the Newhall Ranch Specific Plan area.
The Entrada South Project includes 1,574 dwelling units (including affordable housing units consistent with the County’s Inclusionary Housing Ordinance), 730,000 square feet of non-residential development, a neighborhood park and potential school site, a spineflower preserve, trails, roadways, and infrastructure.