Interpretations and Procedures Manual, 2nd Edition

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The Department of Regional Planning presents its first edition of the new Subdivisions and Zoning Ordinance Interpretations and Procedures Manual. This Manual contains a summary of many policy interpretation and procedures memos that were drafted over the years and have now been collected and integrated into a single document. This Manual is intended for use by all Department and other County staff, and the public as part of the County’s strategic goals on providing excellent customer service and improving organizational effectiveness.

The Manual has two parts: Interpretations and Procedures. The Interpretations part contains subdivisions and zoning policy interpretations and General Plan policy interpretations. Also included is a summary of all the basic requirements for each zone listed in the Zoning Ordinance. These interpretations were prepared by County staff from the Department of Regional Planning. The policy interpretations have been arranged into a Question & Answer format. Where needed, several interpretations have been updated to reflect changes in state planning law or ordinance amendments.

The Procedures part contains several procedures addressing various functions of the Department. There are Department procedures for processing special cases and properly interpreting the Zoning Ordinance or implementing the General Plan. There are review procedures for airport-related applications that are submitted to the Airport Land Use Commission, and procedures for presenting cases and conducting public hearings at the Hearing Officer and Regional Planning Commission. Finally, there are County-adopted guidelines for submitting environmental reports as required by State law.

Additional memos may be added to the next edition. We will continue to update the Manual on a periodic basis when needed by adding new interpretations and procedures and removing obsolete ones. Your comments and suggestions on how this Manual or any subdivision or zoning interpretations or procedures can be improved are welcome. Please provide any comments and suggestions to the Department of Regional Planning, Ordinance Studies Section, 320 W. Temple Street, Room 1355, Los Angeles, CA 90012 or call (213) 974-6432.

These interpretations and procedures are intended to complement the Los Angeles County Subdivision and Zoning Ordinances (Titles 21 and 22 of the County Code), and are not intended to replace the Ordinances. Questions regarding how the provisions of Titles 21 and 22 or these interpretations or procedures apply to a specific situation should be referred to the Department of Regional Planning’s Land Development Coordination Center at 320 W. Temple Street, Room 1360, Los Angeles, CA 90012 or call (213) 974-6411.


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Created On:
Sep 22, 2008
Last Updated:
Oct 14, 2009
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Interpretation and Procedures,