In compliance with Section 15132 of the CEQA Guidelines , this document serves as part of the Final EIR for the proposed Landmark Village project, which consists of the following discretionary project approvals: (a) General Plan Amendment PA 00-196, Sub- Plan Amendment LP 00-197, and Specific Plan Amendment SP 00- 198; (b) Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 53108; (c) Significant Ecological Area (SEA) Conditional Use Permit (CUP) RCUP 200500112 for project-level development within the Specific Plan’s Riv er Corridor Special Management Area (SMA)/ SEA 23 boundaries; (d) Oak Tree Permit OTP 00196; (e) Off- Site Soil Transport Approval (part of CUP 00196 entitlement request); (f) CUP 00-196 for off-site grading in excess of 100,000 cubic yards and construction of the off-site water tanks; and (g) Modification to adopted County Floodway limits.