Title 22 - Commercial Zones (effective 2019-02-28)
Zone C-1: Restricted Commercial
Permitted Uses:
- Zone C-H uses, commercial services, retail sales of new goods and genuine antiques (22.20.030.C)
Minimum Required Area:
- No minimum required area. But see 21.24.240 of L.A. County Code - Subdivisions
Maximum Height Limit:
- 35 feet, or as provided in community standards district (22.20.040.B)
Minimum Required Parking:
- General commercial and medical offices - 1 parking space for each 250 sq. ft. of floor space.
- Other office uses - 1 parking space per each 400 sq. ft. of floor space (22.112.070). See applicable use – Chapter 22.112
- Eating/drinking establishments – 1 parking space for each 3 persons, based on occupant load determined by Public Works Department, (minimum of 10 parking spaces). (22.112.070)
Building Setback:
-20 feet for front or corner side yards where property adjoins a parkway, major or secondary highway. On local streets - same as the adjoining residential or agriculture-zoned property (22.20.050)
Maximum Lot Coverage:
- 90% of net area of lot (22.20.040)
- 10% of net area must be landscaped (22.20.040)
Outside Display:
- C-H uses plus a few additional uses (22.140.420)
Outside Storage:
- Not permitted (22.140.430)
Zone C-2: Neighborhood Commercial
Permitted Uses:
- Zone C-1 uses, rentals, outdoor advertising, tailor shops (22.20.030.C)
Minimum Required Area:
- No minimum required area. But see 21.24.240 of L.A. County Code - Subdivisions
Maximum Height Limit:
- 35 feet, or as provided in community standards district (22.20.040.B, 22.110.060)
Minimum Required Parking:
- General commercial - 1 parking space for each 250 sq. ft. of floor space (22.112.070)
- Non-medical office uses - 1 parking space for each 400 sq. ft. of floor space. See applicable use (22.112.070)
- Eating/drinking establishments - 1 parking space for each 3 persons, based on occupant load determined by Public Works Department (minimum of 10 parking spaces) (22.112.070)
Building Setback:
- No building setback required
Maximum Lot Coverage:
- 90% of net area of lot (22.20.040)
- 10% of net area must be open and landscaped (22.20.040)
Outside Display:
- Limited to a few uses (22.140.420)
Outside Storage:
- Not permitted (22.140.430)
Zone C-3: General Commercial
Permitted Uses:
- Zone C-2 uses, secondhand stores (22.20.030.C)
Minimum Required Area:
- No minimum required area. But see 21.24.240 of L.A. County Code - Subdivisions
Maximum Height Limit:
- 13 times buildable area (22.20.040.B, 22.110.060), except as otherwise provided in community standards district
Minimum Required Parking:
- General commercial – 1 parking space for each 250 sq. ft. of floor space (22.112.070)
- Non-medical office uses – 1 parking space for each 400 sq. ft. of floor space. (22.112.070)
- Eating/drinking establishments – 1 parking space for each 3 persons, based on occupant load determined by Public Works Department (minimum of 10 parking spaces) (22.112.070)
Building Setback:
- No building setback required
Maximum Lot Coverage:
- 90% of net area of lot (22.20.040)
- 10% of net area must be landscaped (22.20.040)
Outside Display:
- Automobile sales, restaurants, and a few other uses (22.140.420)
Outside Storage:
- Permitted at the rear of a parcel when incidental to the permitted use existing in the front of the parcel; storage may not be closer than 50 feet to the front lot line and must be completely enclosed by a 5 to 6 foot-high solid fence or wall (22.140.430)
Zone C-H: Commercial Highway
Permitted Uses:
- Community and financial services, parks and play grounds, business/professional offices. No retail sales (22.20.030.C)
Minimum Required Area:
- No minimum required area. But see 21.24.240 of L.A. County Code - Subdivisions
Maximum Height Limit:
- 35 feet, or as provided in community standards district (22.20.040)
Minimum Required Parking:
- Banks, post offices, medical offices - 1 parking space per each 250 sq. ft. of floor space (22.112.070)
- Other office uses - 1 parking space per each 400 sq. ft. of floor space (22.112.070)
Building Setback:
- 20 feet for front or corner side yards where property adjoins a parkway, major or secondary highway. On local streets - same as adjoining residential or agriculture-zoned yard (22.20.050.A)
Maximum Lot Coverage:
- 90% of net area of lot (22.20.040)
- 10% of net area must be open and landscaped (22.20.040)
Outside Display:
- Limited to a few uses (22.140.420)
Outside Storage:
- Not permitted (22.140.430)
Zone C-M: Commercial Manufacturing
Permitted Uses:
- Zone C-3 uses plus limited manufacture and assembly (22.20.030.C)
Minimum Required Area:
- No minimum required area. But see 21.24.240 of L.A. County Code - Subdivisions
Maximum Height Limit:
- 13 times buildable area, except as otherwise provided in community standards district (22.110.060)
Minimum Required Parking:
- General commercial - 1 parking space for each 250 square feet of floor space (22.112.070)
- Non-medical office uses - 1 parking space for each 400 sq. ft. of floor space (22.112.070)
- Eating/drinking establishments–1 parking space for each 3 persons, based on occupant load determined by Public Works Department (minimum of 10 parking spaces) (22.112.070)
Building Setback:
- No building setback required
Maximum Lot Coverage:
- 90% of net area of lot (22.20.040)
- 10% of net area must be landscaped (22.20.040)
Outside Display:
Outside Storage:
Zone C-R: Commercial Recreation
Permitted Uses:
- Amusement parks, campgrounds, tennis courts, golf courses, limited agriculture (22.20.030.C)
Minimum Required Area:
- 5 acres (22.110.130.A.4.a)
- 1 acre – For sales and service uses (22.20.080.A)
Maximum Height Limit:
- 13 times buildable area, except as otherwise provided in community standards district (22.110.060)
Minimum Required Parking:
Building Setback:
- No building setback required
Maximum Lot Coverage:
Zone CPD: Commercial Planned Development
Permitted Uses:
- R-A zone uses (22.20.090.A.1, 22.18.030.C)
- Non-residential C-1 uses with approved CUP (22.20.090.A.2)
Minimum Required Area:
- 5000 sq. ft. (22.20.090 and 22.110.130.A)
Maximum Height Limit:
- 35 feet (22.20.040.C)
- 13 times buildable area (22.110.060)
Minimum Required Parking:
- Same as zones R-A and C-1 (22.112.030.B, 22.112.070)
- As required by CUP (22.20.090)
Building Setback:
- Same as R-A (22.20.090, 22.18.040, 22.18.040.B)
- Subject to the provisions of the CUP
Maximum Lot Coverage:
- 40% of gross area of the lot (22.20.090.B.3 – building shall not occupy more than 40%)
Other Standards:
- Same as R-A
- Design, access, utilities, signs, walls, walks, landscaping, and development schedule to be established in the conditional use permit
- Development standards in R-1 zone shall apply to R-A zone uses (22.18.040)

Please note that effective February 28, 2019, the following Code section references have been updated as listed above.
Visit Title 22 for more information.
- Author:
- .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
- Created On:
- Feb 25, 2019
- Last Updated:
- Jun 01, 2020
- Page Feedback:
- Email
- Filed Under:
- Zoning Ordinance Summary, Commercial Zones,