Project No. 95-238-(5) / Conditional Use Permit T200600334-(5)

Case Description / Summary

T-Mobile is requesting to renew the Conditional Use Permit 95-238 consisting of an 80-foot high monopole to include four panel antennas mounted at 79 feet high and two equipment cabinets. The monopole also co-locates four panel antennas for Verizon at 69’-8” high and two Cingular Panel antennas at 50 feet high with appurtenant equipment cabinets on the base of the monopole approved by Revised Exhibit “A”.

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Created On:
Dec 04, 2008
Last Updated:
Dec 04, 2008
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Filed Under:
Supervisorial District 5, Community, Antelope Valley, Zoned District, Castaic Canyon ZD,