Project No. R2007-02619-(1) / Conditional Use Permit 200700178 / Parking Permit Case No. 200700010

Case Description / Summary

The applicant, Rafael Martinez, is requesting a Conditional Use Permit to authorize the operation and maintenance of a banquet hall within an M-1 (Light Manufacturing) zone, located at 1117 Goodrich Boulevard in East Los Angeles. The banquet hall would occupy approximately 2,247 square feet of the first floor of an existing commercial building , with a maximum occupancy of 152 persons. No food will be prepared on site, and no alcohol will be served on site, although food may be served and live music may be performed. Valets would take possession of all cars from the public alley at the rear of the building. Twelve (12) parking spaces will be provided on site, eight (8) parking spaces on a leased lot at 1125 Goodrich Boulevard, and 30 parking spaces on a leased lot at 1001 Goodrich Boulevard.

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Created On:
Jan 26, 2009
Last Updated:
Mar 03, 2011
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Filed Under:
Supervisorial District 1, Community, East Los Angeles, Zoned District, Eastside Unit No. 1 ZD, Conditional Use Permit, Parking Permit,