Project No. R2009-00752-(4) / Environmental Assessment 200900048 / Villa Venetia

Case Description / Summary

State Clearinghouse No. 2010011078

Villa Venetia Apartments 13900 Fiji Way, Marina del Rey Lease No. 4709 / Parcel 64

The recirculated MND is based on the evaluation of the potential environmental impacts of the applicant’s proposed rehabilitation of the existing 224-unit Villa Venetia apartment complex, which will entail rehabilitation of the exterior of all four apartment structures and the interior of the residential units, modification of the existing vegetation on-site, reconfiguration of on-site parking, and the enhancement of existing active and passive on-site recreational facilities. These improvements will not increase the internal floor area, the number of existing rental units at the site, or increase the height of any structure. None of these improvements will change the intensity of use or density of the existing apartment complex.

The draft MND and initial study were previously released for public review from April 12 to May 12, 2010. The document was recirculated from July 5 to August 4, 2010 due to changes in the project description, the modification of a mitigation measure, further analysis of the project site’s historical significance, and an addition of a new Greenhouse Gas Emissions section to address the amended CEQA Guidelines that became effective on March 18, 2010.

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Created On:
Apr 08, 2010
Last Updated:
Apr 11, 2017
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Filed Under:
Supervisorial District 4, Community, Marina Del Rey, Zoned District, Playa Del Rey ZD, Environmental Assessment,