Project No. R2010-00669-(4) / Environmental Assessment 201000022 / Marina del Rey Hotel

Case Description / Summary

“Marina del Rey Hotel” / 13534 Bali Way / APN 4224-008-900 / Marina Parcel Nos. 42 & 43 As outlined in greater detail in the subject Initial Study, the Marina del Rey Hotel draft Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) is based on the evaluation of the potential environmental impacts of the applicant’s proposed rehabilitation of the existing 154-room Marina del Rey Hotel, which will entail rehabilitation of all exteriors and interiors of the hotel, dock master facilities and marina restrooms, enhancement of on-site landscaping, reconfiguration and resurfacing of on-site parking, and resurfacing and enhancement of the existing public promenade. No new development is proposed.

The draft MND and initial study have been released for public review. The comment period is from November 19 to December 20, 2010.

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Created On:
Nov 17, 2010
Last Updated:
Nov 16, 2010
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Filed Under:
Supervisorial District 3, Community, Malibu Coastal Zone, Zoned District, The Malibu ZD, Environmental Assessment,