Project No. R2006-03647-(4) / State Clearinghouse No. 2007031114

Case Description / Summary

The proposed project is the Neptune Marina Apartments and Anchorage located on Parcel 10R as well as in the adjacent Marina Basin; the subject Parcel 10R is located southeasterly of the intersection of Via Marina and Marquesas Way, with frontages on both Via Marina and Marquesas Way. The proposed project consists of a Coastal Development Permit to authorize demolition of all existing landside improvements and subsequent construction of proposed landside improvements on Parcel 10R (described below), and to further permit the applicant’s temporary use of Marina Parcel FF (located across Marquesas Way from Parcel 10R at the northeasterly corner of Via Marina and Marquesas Way) as a construction staging site during construction of the proposed Parcel 10R development and approximately 112,000 cubic yards of grading will be required with excess soil to be exported to a landfill located in Los Angeles County; a Conditional Use Permit for site grading, export of earth in excess of 100,000 cubic yards, and parking for boater related uses; a Variance for excess signage and a reduction of the required setback from the waterside promenade; amendments to the Marina del Rey Local Coastal Program to authorize the transfer of development units from an abutting Development Zone (Tahiti Development Zone) into the subject Development Zone (Marquesas Development Zone) and the averaging of the R-III and R-V residential densities on Parcel 10R; and a Coastal Approval in Concept for the proposed marina demolition activities and subsequent marina construction activities on the waterside portion of Parcel 10R. The Neptune Marina Apartments (Project R2006-03647) consists of demolishing all buildings and related site improvements of an existing 136-unit apartment complex, for the development of 400 new apartment units (including a total of 62 affordable housing units) within three (3) apartment buildings (with a maximum building height of approximately 60 feet) with adjacent waterfront public pedestrian promenades and other site amenities and facilities. This component also includes the demolition of an existing 198-slip small craft anchorage to construct a 174-slip small craft anchorage within the Marina Del Rey Basin B.

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Created On:
Sep 29, 2008
Last Updated:
Jul 18, 2016
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Filed Under:
Supervisorial District 4, Zoned District, Playa Del Rey ZD, Coastal Development Permit, Conditional Use Permit, Variance,