Project No. R2015-03108-(1) / Advance Planning No. 201500010 / East Los Angeles Zoning Consistency

Case Description / Summary

The purpose of this Advance Planning project is to consider a zone change ordinance, potential plan amendments, and environmental documentation to address current inconsistencies between adopted zoning and land use designations in East Los Angeles.

A zoning consistency study is underway to develop a proposed zone change map. This zoning consistency study applies only to parcels that are within the Community Plan area but outside of the boundaries of the East Los Angeles Third Street Plan. The project will not propose any new physical developments.

The East Los Angeles Zoning Consistency Project is scheduled for a public hearing to be conducted by the Regional Planning Commission on July 31, 2019 at 9:00am.
Project materials related to this public hearing can be found below.

Latest News

On July 31, 2019, county planners will request that the Regional Planning Commission recommend that the proposed zone changes and plan amendments be adopted by the Board of Supervisors.

To see if your property will be impacted by a zone change or plan amendment, visit our GIS mapping app.

Staff Contact

Norman Ornelas Jr., Regional Planning Assistant II
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Si necesita más información o si tiene algún comentario acerca del proyecto, por favor comuníquece al (213) 974-6427 o por correo electrónico a


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Created On:
May 27, 2016
Last Updated:
Jul 23, 2019
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Filed Under:
Supervisorial District 1, Community, East Los Angeles, Zoned District, East LA ZD,