Rowland Heights Community Plan

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The Community General Plan establishes a direction and form for the future development of Rowland Heights, setting forth broad guide1ines for the extent and nature of growth. It is an element of the Los Angeles County General Plan, delineating more clearly–and in greater detail than is possible in the Countywide General Plan–policies and standards for development in Rowland Heights. The plan is comprehensive, being based on an analysis of such physical features of the Community as geology, seismicity, slope and vegetation as well as of the social environment and its relationship to physical features. Study of these interrelationships provides a basis for determining the kinds of growth which can be accommodated and for setting a framework for the future. Based on a long range view, the plan provides a rationale for the effective coordination of the development of needed facilities. This report contains a summary of the problems and issues facing Rowland Heights and the policy recommendations developed to respond to these community concerns. Much of the required data, such as population and housing statistics and the wildlife inventory, will be found in the Environmental Impact Report.


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Created On:
Sep 22, 2008
Last Updated:
Oct 07, 2008
Date Published:
Date Adopted:
Sep 01, 1981
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Filed Under:
Supervisorial District 4, Planning Document, Adopted Plan,