Temporary Use Permit (TUP) FAQ

What is a Temporary Use Permit?

Certain temporary activities that may be appropriate at specific locations but inappropriate on a permanent basis may qualify to be approved with a Temporary Use Permit. The Temporary Use Permit Part 14 of Chapter 22.56 in the Los Angeles County Code provides a mechanism to regulate specified short-term land use activities to avoid or mitigate adverse effects or incompatibility with the surrounding area where these temporary activities are proposed. A Temporary Use Permit is discretionary and submission of an application is not a guarantee of approval.

What kind of events typically qualify for a Temporary Use Permit?
  • Carnivals, exhibitions, fairs, festivals, pageants, and religious observances, sponsored by a non-profit or public agency.
  • Outside display or sales of goods, equipment, merchandise, or exhibits, in a commercial zone.
What events or activities do not typically qualify for a Temporary Use Permit?
  • Private events such as weddings and parties.
  • Events sponsored by organizations other than non-profits, or public agencies.
  • Tent revivals.
  • Outdoor festivals, with attendance of more than 500 persons, at a facility not designed for this purpose.
For how long can a Temporary Use Permit be approved?

Annually, on an appropriate site, temporary uses may be approved as follows:

  • No more than six weekends or seven days.
  • In commercial zones, exclusively for outside display or sales of goods, one weekend or three consecutive days, not more than once a month, and a maximum four times a year.
  • Extended time periods may be allowed for temporary events upon obtaining the director’s approval, which includes notification to the surrounding community, and adequately addressing concerns of general community interest.

What are the typical conditions for the approval of a Temporary Use permit?
  • Adequate parking is provided, either on-site or through an off-site parking management strategy
  • Sensitive environmental resources such as oak trees are not impacted
  • Opening and closing times are sensitive to and appropriate for the surrounding community
  • Sound amplification systems are positioned inward facing to event and operated at a level not impactful to the surrounding community
How does the Department determine whether to approve or deny a temporary use permit?

The Department needs to make the following required findings in order to render a determination to approve a temporary use permit:

  • The applicant has met the burden of proof.
  • Adequate temporary parking is supplied for events lasting longer than one weekend or three consecutive days.
  • That the parcel of land where the event takes place will not be used over the maximum time period allowed in calendar year for a temporary use.
  • For outside displays in commercial zones, no more than 20% of the designated parking area may be used.
How do I apply for a Temporary Use Permit?

Complete the application and other materials found here. Please note that Temporary Use Permits should be submitted a minimum of 60 days prior to the event, or 90 days prior for extended events requiring public noticing. Processing a Temporary Use Permit includes securing clearances from other appropriate County agencies as necessary. Temporary Use Permits are discretionary and they are subject to the California Environmental Quality Act. If the subject property contains any Significant Ecological Areas or Sensitive Environmental Resources areas, an initial study or additional environmental reports may be required.

You will need the following items:

  1. Temporary Use Permit Application (completely filled out).
    1. If the applicant is not the owner of the subject property, provide a Letter of Authorization with original signature.
    2. For non‐profit events, provide verification that the sponsoring organization is directly engaged in civic, charitable or public service endeavors.
  2. Burden of Proof.
  3. Acknowledgement letter from the local office of the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department or Highway Patrol, as applicable.
  4. Eight (8) copies of a plot plan drawn to scale on no less than 8½ x 14 inch paper indicating:
    1. Lot or parcel dimensions and nearby streets/roadways.
    2. Location of all buildings on the subject property.
    3. Specific location where the event will take place.
    4. All oak trees and their protected zones within and close to the project site (see oak tree diagram attachment for instructions).
    5. Location and layout of parking within the subject property to serve the event (include number of parking spaces provided).
    6. If additional off‐site parking is to be used, depict on the plot plan or provide a separate parking plan. Also provide a letter of authorization with the property owner’s original signature indicating permission for the off‐site parking.


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Created On:
Jul 06, 2015
Last Updated:
Jul 07, 2015
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