Walnut Park Neighborhood Plan

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Walnut Park is an urban community of about 12,000 residents located just east of South Central Los Angeles. It is approximately one square mile in area.

Even though it is in the midst of a rapidly changing area, Walnut Park has remained a relatively stable residential community. This community is characterized by tree-lined streets and diverse styles of low density residential neighborhoods. However, recently, residents have expressed concerns regarding potential expansion of commercial areas into adjacent residential areas, as well as general apprehension concerning the maintenance, parking, and overall uses of commercial buildings.

Because of these concerns, the primary purpose of the Walnut Park Neighborhood Plan and Implementation Program is to provide a coordinated effort for action programs aimed at preserving single-family neighborhoods while strengthening the character, performance, and appearance of the commercial areas.

This plan to stimulate the revitalization of Walnut Park consists of three parts: The Neighborhood Plan, setting the policy direction; an Implementation Program that suggests programs for action; and a Community Standards District, which is the regulatory framework to help carry out the plan and its programs.

The Walnut Park Neighborhood Plan is comprised of policies pertaining to three major components of the community: a Residential Revitalization Program, a Commercial Revitalization Program and a Public Implementation Program. The Walnut Park Implementation Program consists of specific recommendations which will carry forward the policies of the Neighborhood Plan.

The Walnut Park Neighborhood Plan and Implementation Program refines the Countywide General Plan by reflecting local characteristics, concerns and preferences and setting forth standards and criteria tailored to conditions within the community. In instances where a decision may involve direction not found in the Neighborhood Plan, Countywide policy is used.


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Created On:
Sep 22, 2008
Last Updated:
Feb 26, 2014
Date Published:
Date Adopted:
Sep 24, 1987
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Filed Under:
Supervisorial District 1, Zoned District, Walnut Park ZD, Planning Document, Adopted Plan,