Zone RPD: Residential Planned Development
Permitted Uses:
- Single family residences (22.20.460A)
- Planned unit development with approved CUP (22.20.460B)
Minimum Required Area (unless otherwise specified)
- 5000 sq. ft./lot (22.52.100, 22.52.250)
- 5 acres/development project (22.20.460B1)
- Density - as established by CUP & zoning (22.20.460B2)
Maximum Height Limit:
- 35 feet (22.20.460)
- As established by CUP (22.20.460)
Minimum Required Parking:
- Same as R-1 (22.52.1180)
- Same as R-1 through R-4, depending on type of structure or as required by CUP (22.20.460)
- As established by CUP and zoning (22.20.460 B2)
Standard Yard Requirements and Development Standards:
- All yards: same as R-1 (22.20.460A)
- The Regional Planning Commission, in approving a CUP for a planned development, may modify or require greater yards than those required in a normal single family residential development. Building separation is a minimum of 10 feet for 1 and 2 stories. Add 2 feet for each story above 2 stories (22.20.460B)
The CUP will regulate the type of structures, open space, building coverage, utilities, landscaping, and other features.
- Author:
- .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
- Created On:
- Sep 17, 2008
- Last Updated:
- May 24, 2018
- Page Feedback:
- Email
- Filed Under:
- Zoning Ordinance Summary, Residential Zones,