Search by Category: Community
Page 10 of 11 pages
Project No. 2017-006787-(3) / Minor Coastal Development Permit RPPL2017010179
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 3, Community, Santa Monica Mountains North Area, Zoned District, The Malibu ZD, Coastal Development Permit,
Project No. 2019-002838-(3) / Conditional Use Permit No. RPPL2019005012
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 3, Community, Santa Monica Mountains North Area, Zoned District, The Malibu ZD, Conditional Use Permit,
Project No. R2015-03796-(3) / Conditional Use Permit RCUP-201500135 / Parking Permit… Full Case Title: Project No. R2015-03796 / Conditional Use Permit RCUP-201500135 / Parking Permit RPPL2017009910 / Environmental Assessment RENV-201500254
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 3, Community, Santa Monica Mountains North Area, Zoned District, The Malibu ZD, Conditional Use Permit, Environmental Assessment, Parking Permit,
Tentative Tract Map No. 52419 / Conditional Use Permit 97-178 / Oak Tree Permit 97-178
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 3, Community, Santa Monica Mountains North Area, Zoned District, The Malibu ZD, Conditional Use Permit, Oak Tree Permit, Tentative Tract Map,
Project No. 2016-001705-(3) / Oak Tree Permit No. RPPL2016003798 / Site Plan Review No. 2016003799
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 3, Community, Santa Monica Mountains North Area, Zoned District, The Malibu ZD, Oak Tree Permit,
Project No. 2016-001543-(3) / Oak Tree Permit RPPL2016003614
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 3, Community, Santa Monica Mountains North Area, Zoned District, The Malibu ZD, Oak Tree Permit,
Project No. 2016-002158-(3) / Coastal Development Permit. No. RPPL2016004371 / RPPL2020001217 Project No. 2016-002158-(3) RPPL2016004371 (Previous Minor CDP)RPPL2020001217 (Current Major CDP)
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 3, Community, Santa Monica Mountains North Area, Conditional Use Permit,
Project No. 2016-000392-(3) / Coastal Development Permit & Variance No. RPPL2017005685… Full Case Title: Project No. 2016-000392-(3) / Coastal Development Permit & Variance No. RPPL2017005685 / Environmental Assessment No. RPPL2017005685
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 3, Community, Malibu Coastal Zone, Zoned District, The Malibu ZD, Coastal Development Permit, Environmental Assessment, Variance,
Project No. PRJ2020-001429-(3) / Emergency Coastal Development Permit No. RPPL2020004576
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 3, Community, Malibu Coastal Zone, Zoned District, The Malibu ZD, Coastal Development Permit,
Project No. PRJ2020-001548-(3) / Emergency Coastal Development Permit No. RPPL2020004987
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 3, Community, Malibu Coastal Zone, Zoned District, The Malibu ZD, Coastal Development Permit,
Tentative Tract Map No. 52652
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 3, Community, Zoned District, Chatsworth ZD, Tentative Tract Map,
Project Number 2020-000277-(3)  / Conditional Use Permit RPPL2020000477
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 3, Community, Santa Monica Mountains North Area, Zoned District, The Malibu ZD, Conditional Use Permit,
Project No. PM071223-(3) / Tentative Parcel Map No. 071223
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 3, Community, Santa Monica Mountains North Area, Zoned District, The Malibu ZD, Tentative Parcel Map,
Santa Monica Mountains North Area Plan The Board of Supervisors adopted the updated Santa Monica Mountains North Area Plan (Plan) on May 4, 2021, and became effective June 3, 2021 The North Area Plan, originally adopted…
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 3, Community, Santa Monica Mountains North Area, Zoned District, The Malibu ZD, Planning Document, Adopted Plan,
Project No. 2017-006506-(3) / Minor Coastal Development RPPL2017009778
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 3, Community, Malibu Coastal Zone, Zoned District, The Malibu ZD, Coastal Development Permit,
Project No. 2017-005357-(3) / Minor Coastal Developmenta Permit RPPL2017008272… Full Case Title: Project No. 2017-005357-(3) / Minor Coastal Development Permit RPPL2017008272 / Variance RPPL2017008273 / Lot Line Adjustment RPPL2020002772
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 3, Community, Santa Monica Mountains North Area, Zoned District, The Malibu ZD, Coastal Development Permit, Variance,
Project No. R2015-01265-(3) / Coastal Development Permit 201500059 / Environmental Assessment… Full Case Title: Project No. R2015-01265-(3) / Coastal Development Permit 201500059 / Environmental Assessment 201500090
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 3, Community, Santa Monica Mountains North Area, Zoned District, The Malibu ZD, Coastal Development Permit, Environmental Assessment,
Project No. 03-395-(3) / Tentative Parcel Map No. 27033
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 3, Community, Santa Monica Mountains North Area, Zoned District, The Malibu ZD, Tentative Parcel Map,
Project No. R2015-01672-(3) / Coastal Development Permit No. RPPL2016003332… Full Case Title:Project No. R2015-01672-(3) / Coastal Development Permit No. RPPL2016003332 / Environmental Assessment No. RPPL2016003333 The applicant is requesting a Minor Coastal Development Permit to authorize the construction…
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 3, Community, Malibu Coastal Zone, Zoned District, The Malibu ZD, Coastal Development Permit, Environmental Assessment,
Project No.: 2017-003699-(3) / Permit No.: Minor CDP RPPL2017008418
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 3, Community, Malibu Coastal Zone, Coastal Development Permit,
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