- Project no. R2007-03235-(1) / Conditional Use Permit 200700224 Conditional Use Permit: To authorize the construction, operation, and maintenance of a wireless telecommunications facility, consisting of antennas mounted on a new 50-foot high monopole disguised as a palm tree,…
- Filed Under: Supervisorial District 1, Community, East Irwindale, Zoned District, Irwindale ZD, Conditional Use Permit,
- Project No. R2007-00207-(1) / Conditional Use Permit 200700016-(1)
- Filed Under: Supervisorial District 1, Community, East Azusa, Zoned District, Irwindale ZD, Conditional Use Permit,
- Project No. R2010-00571-(1) / Conditional Use Permit 201000052
- Filed Under: Supervisorial District 1, Community, East Irwindale, Zoned District, Irwindale ZD, Conditional Use Permit,
- Project No. R2006-02261-(1) / Conditional Use Permit 2006-00209/ Environmental Assessment… Project No. R2006-02261-(1) / Conditional Use Permit 2006-00209/ Environmental Assessment 200600165
- Filed Under: Supervisorial District 1, Community, East Irwindale, Zoned District, Irwindale ZD, Conditional Use Permit, Environmental Assessment,
- Project No. R2014-01018-(1) / Tentative Tract Map 072718
- Filed Under: Supervisorial District 1, Community, East Irwindale, Zoned District, Irwindale ZD, Tentative Tract Map,
- Project No. 2019-002796-(1) / Conditional Use Permit RPPL2019004965
- Filed Under: Supervisorial District 1, Zoned District, Irwindale ZD, Conditional Use Permit,
- Project No. 2018-003820-(1) / Yard Modification No. RPPL2020005024
- Filed Under: Supervisorial District 1, Zoned District, Irwindale ZD,
- Tentative Tract Map No. 065943-(1)
- Filed Under: Supervisorial District 1, Community, East Irwindale, Zoned District, Irwindale ZD, Supervisorial District 5, Zoned District, Irwindale ZD, Tentative Tract Map,
- Project No. 2020-001386 / RPPL2020004447 / Tentative Tract Map No. 83183
- Filed Under: Supervisorial District 1, Community, East Irwindale, Zoned District, Irwindale ZD, Tentative Tract Map,