Search by Category: Tentative Tract Map
Page 10 of 16 pages
Project No. R2015-00973-(5) / Tentative Tract Map 073392
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 5, Community, Charter Oak, Zoned District, Charter Oaks ZD, Tentative Tract Map,
Project No. TR066952-(5) / Valley Vineyards
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 5, Community, Antelope Valley, Zoned District, Leona Valley ZD, Conditional Use Permit, Tentative Tract Map,
Project No. TR062000-(5) / Tract Map No. TR062000 / Environmental Assessment… Full Case Title: Project No. TR062000-(5) / Tract Map No. TR062000 / Environmental Assessment 200600118 / Conditional Use Permit 200600138
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 5, Community, Antelope Valley, Zoned District, Newhall ZD, Conditional Use Permit, Environmental Assessment, Tentative Tract Map,
Project No. TR060358-(4) / Tentative Tract Map No. TR060358
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 4, Community, Hacienda Heights, Zoned District, Hacienda Heights ZD, Tentative Tract Map,
Project No. TR071234-(5) / Tentative Tract Map 071234-(5) / Oak Tree Permit… Full Case Title: Project No. TR071234-(5) / Tentative Tract Map 071234-(5) / Oak Tree Permit 201000009 / Environmental Assessment 201000015
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 5, Community, East Pasadena - East San Gabriel, Zoned District, East San Gabriel ZD, Environmental Assessment, Oak Tree Permit, Tentative Tract Map,
Project No. TR062216-(4) / Tentative Tract Map No. 062216 / Environmental Assessment… Full Case Title: Project No. TR062216-(4) / Tentative Tract Map No. 062216 / Environmental Assessment 200400087
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 4, Community, North Whittier, Zoned District, Whittier Downs ZD, Environmental Assessment, Tentative Tract Map,
Tentative Tract Map No. 53100-(3) / Conditional Use Permit Case No. 02-201-(3) / Conditional Use ... Full Case Title: Project No. 02-201-(3) / Tentative Tract Map No. 53100-(3) / Conditional Use Permit Case No. 02-201-(3) / Conditional Use Permit Modification No. RPPL2016002885 / Environmental Assessment…
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 2, Zoned District, Willowbrook - Enterprise ZD, Supervisorial District 3, Zoned District, The Malibu ZD, Conditional Use Permit, Tentative Tract Map,
Project No. R2014-00025-(5) / Tentative Tract Map 072630
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 5, Community, Santa Clarita Valley, Zoned District, Castaic Canyon ZD, Tentative Tract Map,
Project No. 98008-(5) / Tentative Tract Map No. 52455
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 5, Community, Antelope Valley, Zoned District, Newhall ZD, Tentative Tract Map,
Project No. R2015-02297-(1) / Tentative Tract Map 073349
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 1, Zoned District, Puente ZD, Tentative Tract Map,
Project No. TR062952-(5) / Tentative Tract Map 062952
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 4, Community, Rowland Heights, Zoned District, Puente ZD, Tentative Tract Map,
Project No. 03-251-(5) / Tract Map 54372
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 5, Community, Santa Clarita Valley, Zoned District, Sand Canyon ZD, Tentative Tract Map,
Tentative Tract map No. 064831-(4)
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 4, Community, South Whittier - Sunshine Acres, Zoned District, Southeast Whittier ZD, Tentative Tract Map,
Project No. R2015-02032-(2) / Tentative Tract Map TR073465
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 2, Zoned District, West Athens - Westmont ZD, Tentative Tract Map,
Project No 2016-000030 / Vesting Tentative Tract Map 74149… Full case Title: Vesting Tentative Tract Map No.74149, Conditional Use Permit No. 2016001389, Environmental Assessment No. 2016001381
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 5, Zoned District, South Arcadia ZD, Tentative Tract Map,
Project No. 03-382-(5) / Plan Amendment No 03-382 / Tenative Tract Map No. 060665 / Highway ... Full Case Title: Project No. 03-382-(5) / Plan Amendment No 03-382 / Zone Change No 03-382 / Highway Realignment No 03-382 / Tentative Tract Map No 060665 / Conditional Use…
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 5, Conditional Use Permit, Environmental Assessment, General Plan Amendment, Highway Realignment, Oak Tree Permit, Tentative Tract Map, Zone Change,
Project No. 02-321-(1) / Tentative Tract Map 54244
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 1, Community, South Whittier - Sunshine Acres, Zoned District, Sunshine Acres ZD, Tentative Tract Map,
Project No. R2014-00135-(5) / Tentative Tract Map 072631
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 5, Community, Santa Clarita Valley, Zoned District, Castaic Canyon ZD, Tentative Tract Map,
Project No. TR070854-(5) / Tentative Tract Map No. 070854-(5) / Environmental Case No. 200800122 Full Case Title: Project No. TR070854-(5) / Tentative Tract Map No. 070854-(5) / Plan Amendment No. 200800010 / Zone Change No. 200800008 / Conditional Use Permit No. 200800180 / Environmental…
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 5, Community, East Pasadena - East San Gabriel, Zoned District, East San Gabriel ZD, Conditional Use Permit, Environmental Assessment, Tentative Tract Map, Zone Change,
Tentative Tract Map No. 53108 / Plan Amendment 00-196-(5 )/ Conditional Use Permit 00-196-(5) ... In compliance with Section 15132 of the CEQA Guidelines , this document serves as part of the Final EIR for the proposed Landmark Village project, which consists of the following…
Filed Under: Conditional Use Permit, Tentative Tract Map,
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