Search by Category: Tentative Tract Map
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Tentative Tract Map No. 065943-(1)
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 1, Community, East Irwindale, Zoned District, Irwindale ZD, Supervisorial District 5, Zoned District, Irwindale ZD, Tentative Tract Map,
Project No. 03-301-(5) / Tentative Tract Map No. 060359
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 5, Community, Santa Clarita Valley, Zoned District, Sand Canyon ZD, Conditional Use Permit, Tentative Tract Map,
Project No. TR069504-(5) / Tentative Tract Map No. 069504
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 5, Community, East Pasadena - East San Gabriel, Zoned District, Northeast Pasadena ZD, Tentative Tract Map,
Project No. 2019-000063 / Tentative Tract Map 82457 / RPPL2019000014 Full Case Description Project No. Vesting Tentative Tract Map No.82457(RPPL2019000014)/ Yard Modification No.RPPL2019001046/ Environmental Assessment No.RPPL2019000128
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 4, Community, South Whittier - Sunshine Acres, Zoned District, Southeast Whittier ZD, Tentative Tract Map,
Project No. TR070569-(5) / Tentative Tract Map 070569 / Tentative Parcel Map PM77199 Full Case DescriptionProject No. TR070569 / Tentative Tract Map 070569 / Project No. 2017-005997-(5) / Tentative Parcel Map No. 77199 / Plan No. RPPL2017008872
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 5, Zoned District, Montrose ZD, Tentative Tract Map,
Project No. 2019-001063-(1) / Tentative Tract Map No. 82160 / RPPL2019002046
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 4, Zoned District, Hacienda Heights ZD, Tentative Tract Map,
Project No. 04-148-(1) / Tentative Tract Map 061059
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 5, Tentative Tract Map,
Project No. TR068400-(5) / Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 068400 / Conditional Use… Full Case Title: Project No. TR068400-(5) / Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 068400 / Conditional Use Permit 200700073 / General Plan Amendment 200700002 / Zone Change 200700002 / Parking Permit…
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 5, Community, South Monrovia Islands, Zoned District, South Arcadia ZD, Conditional Use Permit, Environmental Assessment, General Plan Amendment, Housing Permit, Parking Permit, Tentative Tract Map,
Project No. 2019-001226 / Tentative Tract Map No.082526 / RPPL2019002338
Filed Under: Tentative Tract Map,
Project No. TR065296-(4) / Tentative Tract Map 065296
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 4, Zoned District, Hacienda Heights ZD, Tentative Tract Map,
Project No. R2014-00285-(5) / Tentative Tract Map 072680 Full Case Title: Project No. R2014-00285 – (5), TR072680, Zone Change No.RPPL2016003663, Conditional Use Permit No. RCUP-201400014, Oak Tree Permit No. ROAK201400008 and Environmental Assessment No. RENV-201400027
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 5, Community, Santa Clarita Valley, Zoned District, Castaic Canyon ZD, Tentative Tract Map,
Tentative Tract Map 061105 / Project No. 04-181 / Newhall Ranch: The Mission Village Full Case Title:  Project No. 04-181 / Newhall Ranch: The Mission Village Project / Mesas East Project / Conditional Use Permit 200500080 / Conditional Use Permit 200500081 / Parking Permit…
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 5, Zoned District, Newhall ZD, Tentative Tract Map,
Project No. 2020-001386 / RPPL2020004447 / Tentative Tract Map No. 83183
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 1, Community, East Irwindale, Zoned District, Irwindale ZD, Tentative Tract Map,
Project No. 2021-001195 / Tentative Tract Map No. 83301 / TR83301 / RPPL 2021003061
Filed Under: Tentative Tract Map,
Project No. 96044-(5) / Amendment To Tract Map No. 48086 / Oak Tree No. 201300020 / CUP 96-044-(5) Full Case Title: Project No. 96044-(5) / Amendment To Tract Map No. 48086 / Oak Tree No. 201300020 / CUP 96-044-(5) / Project No. 2018-002721-(5) / Project No. 96044-(5)…
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 5, Community, Santa Clarita Valley, Zoned District, Soledad ZD, Tentative Tract Map,
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