The proposed project involves the adaptive re-use and redevelopment of approximately 92 acres of property located immediately south of the Hawthorne Municipal Airport in the City of Hawthorne. The proposed project, known as the “Century Business Center,” would re-use or replace 2.55 million square feet of existing industrial space with a planned mixture of industrial, storage, commercial, and office uses. The total build-out for the proposed project, including new and re-used buildings, is anticipated to be between 1.9 and 2.55 million square feet.
Airport Land Use Commission (ALUC) review of this project is necessary because a portion of the project site is located within the planning boundary of the Los Angeles County Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP) established for the Hawthorne Municipal Airport. The airport planning boundary consists of a combination of the 65 CNEL noise contour, the airport property boundary and the runway protection zones (RPZ). The project site is partially located within the 65 CNEL, along the northern edge, and the RPZ on the eastern end of the airport runway. ALUC review for consistency with the policies of the adopted CLUP is triggered because a specific plan and other discretionary actions are needed for project approval.