Search by Category: Aviation
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Hawthorne Municipal Airport Master Plan, Aviation Case No. RAV2007-00002(2) A comprehensive update of the Hawthorne Municipal Airport Master Plan has been proposed and consists of expanding various airport facilities, and upgrading existing ones. Existing improvements consist of ten buildings…
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 2, Aviation,
AV2006-00003 City of Hawthorne The proposed project is the redevelopment of approximately 24 acres of property located east of the Hawthorne Municipal Airport in the City of Hawthorne with 176 single-family condominiums and a…
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 2, Aviation,
AV2006-00002 Century Business Center Project The proposed project involves the adaptive re-use and redevelopment of approximately 92 acres of property located immediately south of the Hawthorne Municipal Airport in the City of Hawthorne. The proposed…
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 2, Aviation,
Agua Dulce Airpark Fieldtrip
Filed Under: Aviation, Community Standards District Mods,
Airport Land Use Commission Review of the Renaissance Project, City of Inglewood Aviation… Full Case Title:  Airport Land Use Commission Review of the Renaissance Project, City of Inglewood Aviation Case 03-348-(2)
Filed Under: Aviation, Conditional Use Permit,
Project No. R2011-01565-(4) / Aviation Case No. 201100002
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 4, Aviation,
Project No. R2013-00396 / Aviation Case No. 201300001 / LAX SPAS
Filed Under: Aviation,
Project No. R2013-01680-(5) / Aviation Case 201300004
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 5, Aviation,
Project No. R2013-01802 /  Aviation Case No 201300004 / Aviation Case No… Full Case Title: Project No. R2013-01802 / Aviation Case No 201300004 / Aviation Case No 201300005 / Aviation Case No 201300006
Filed Under: Aviation,
Project No. R2014-02464-(3) / Aviation Case No. 201400005 / Whiteman Airport
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 3, Aviation,
Project No. R2014-02373-(5) / Aviation Case No. 201400004
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 5, Community, Antelope Valley, Aviation,
Project No. R2009-00805-(2) / Aviation Case No. 201400003
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 2, Aviation,
Project No. R2014-01546-(1-5) / Aviation Case No. 201400002
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 1, Supervisorial District 2, Supervisorial District 3, Supervisorial District 4, Supervisorial District 5, Aviation,
Project No. R2015-00543-(1-5) / Aviation Case No. 201500001
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 1, Supervisorial District 2, Supervisorial District 3, Supervisorial District 4, Supervisorial District 5, Aviation,
Project No. R2015-03166 / Aviation Case No. 201500005 A public hearing will be held for ALUC review of the revised South Bay Lexus Torrance Project, which was referred by the City of Torrance for a consistency determination with…
Filed Under: Aviation,
Project No. R2017-003176-(4) / Aviation Case No. RPPL2016005065
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 4, Aviation,
Project No. 2016-000744-(5) / Major Aviation Case Number RPPL2016002601 / Burbank Bob Hope… Full Case Title: Project No. 2016-000744-(5) / Major Aviation Case Number RPPL2016002601 / Burbank Bob Hope Airport Replacement Terminal Project
Filed Under: Aviation,
Project No. 2018-000572 (1-5) / Aviation Case No. RPPL2018003870 / Density Bonus Ordinance Update
Filed Under: Aviation,
Project No. 2019-000626-(5) / Aviation Case RPPL2019000276
Filed Under: Supervisorial District 5, Aviation,
Project No. 2009-00966-(1-5) / Aviation Case RPPL2019005199
Filed Under: Aviation,
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