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Community Matters: Puente Hills Open Space
Much of the open space in the Puente Hills is managed by the Puente Hills Landfill Native Habitat Preservation Authority (Habitat Authority). This organization is a Joint Powers Authority with a Board of Directors consisting of the City of Whittier, County of Los Angeles, Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County, and the Hacienda Heights Improvement Association. It was formed in 1994 as mitigation for the Puente Hills Landfill, which is its main funding source. Today, the Habitat Authority manages 3,860 acres of preserved public open space. The Habitat Authority acquires, restores, and manages the open space in the Puente Hills in order to preserve it for future generations and to protect the diverse plants and animals that are found there. The agency also endeavors to provide opportunities for outdoor education and low-impact recreation. To learn more about the Puente Hills Landfill Native Habitat Preservation Authority, including the schedule of public meetings, please visit their website at or contact them at (562) 945-9003.