Vision Lennox - Project Overview
During the first half of 2010, the County of Los Angeles undertook the Vision Lennox project seeking to develop a shared vision for the future of the Lennox community. Using a highly collaborative and participatory process, County staff hosted a series of interactive workshops and meetings with community stakeholders to develop a vision document and poster plan. This plan expressed the long-term goals and aspirations of the community related to land-use, transportation, and economic revitalization.
The Vision Lennox project was funded by the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) through the Compass Blueprint Demonstration Project Grant. Through this grant, the Los Angeles County Department of Regional Planning retained the services of Raimi + Associates, a land use planning firm based in Berkeley, California, to facilitate the public participation process and create the vision plan. The final vision plan was completed and released to the community in June 2010.
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