Los Angeles County Department of Regionalll Planning


Significant Ecological Area - SEAs & The General Plan

A Component of General Plan 2035 General Plan

March 24, 2015 Board of Supervisors Hearing

Board Transmittal


This hearing will include Countywide Goals, Policies, Descriptions and Maps of the Proposed Significant Ecological Areas. The full General Plan Draft is available for review at: https://case.planning.lacounty.gov/generalplan/draft

The Significant Ecological Areas are designated through the Los Angeles County General Plan and governed by its policies. In addition the Technical Appendix of the General Plan contains descriptions of the documented significant resources in a given SEA, including rare species and important geographical features, which document biological resources of significance to the County.


Adopted Los Angles County General Plan

The current General Plan of Los Angles County was adopted in 1980. There are 61 adopted SEAs as designated in this plan.

Draft Los Angeles County General Plan

Recent efforts to update the Los Angeles County Plan include changes to the policies, boundaries and technical descriptions of the County’s SEAs. The 2012 Draft General Plan includes 27 SEAs and two Coastal Resource Areas, and greatly expanded technical descriptions for each of the SEAs.

Individual Descriptions for the Proposed SEAs & CRAs, 2012 draft:NEW! 6/18/2012

Draft General Plan Maps:

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