Significant Ecological Area Technical Advisory Committee (SEATAC)
Update: 12/05/13 Updated SEATAC Procedures Manual Available!
Click here for the 2013 SEATAC Procedures Manual
Click here to go to the SEATAC Agenda Webpage
The Significant Ecological Areas Technical Advisory Committee (SEATAC) is an advisory committee to the Regional Planning Commission who specialize in various areas of biology in Los Angeles County. Prior to project design, SEATAC will review the conceptual project and carefully evaluate the biologic resources within the project site, taking into account the surrounding area (e.g., linear features such as streams). The applicant should attend a meeting(s) with SEATAC to discuss their recommendations, which are intended to help the applicant avoid biological impacts, particularly in the most sensitive areas on the site. A report detailing SEATAC’s recommendations is prepared for consideration by the Regional Planning Commission and becomes part of the public record.
The County’s current Significant Ecological Areas (SEAs) are regulated by a conditional use permit for SEAs and subject to SEATAC Review.
Previous updates: On February 28th 2012 the Board of Supervisors motioned to have the Department prepare a report on potential improvements to the organization and protocol of SEATAC. A response was submitted to the Board on May 2, 2012, and the named improvements within the report are ongoing at this time.
Subsequently, a follow up report on the status of these recommendations was made to the Board on January 17, 2013
Download the Regional Planning Department’s January 17, 2013 Response to the Board of Supervisors Here