Los Angeles County Department of Regional Planning


Transit Oriented District Program

The implementation program below is part of the General Plan 2035.

Transit Oriented District Program

Prepare a specific plan for each TOD. The goals of the TOD specific plans are to: 1) Increase walking, bicycling, and transit ridership and reduce vehicle miles traveled (VMTs); 2) Facilitate compact, mixed use development; 3) Increase economic activity; 4) Facilitate the public investment of infrastructure improvements; and 5) Streamline the environmental review process for future infill development projects.

As part of the TOD specific planning process, planners should conduct the following:

  • Preliminary Research and Analysis: The TOD specific plans will be informed by the completion of preliminary research and analysis that will analyze existing conditions, parking supply and demand, the residential and non-residential markets, and infrastructure supply and demand.
  • Stakeholder Outreach: In addition to the background research and analyses, the TOD specific plan will be informed by a comprehensive stakeholder outreach strategy. This strategy should consider input from residents and County staff and set priorities for transportation, housing, open space, and public safety. The TOD specific plan should also consider the local context and existing neighborhood character.

Informed by the preliminary research and stakeholder outreach, the TOD specific plan should, at a minimum, include the following:

  • General Plan Land Use Policy Map: Land uses within TODs should support active transportation, strategically focus compact development, and encourage a mix of housing types and commercial uses.
  • Zoning Amendments: Prepare a zoning consistency analysis and consider both map and text amendments to ensure consistency with the land use policy map.
  • Design Guidelines: Incorporate guidelines applicable to the built environment that promote livability.
  • Mobility Strategy: Identify pedestrian, bicycle, and automobile routes and multimodal connections. Street infrastructure improvements should examine the street design considerations outlined in the Mobility Element. The strategy may also include new cross-sections to encourage active transportation and ensure the safety of all users. This strategy should also incorporate a strategy for parking management. Lastly, explore opportunities to better coordinate light rail, bus, and County shuttle transit services.
  • Economic Development Strategy: Develop a strategy to promote economic development.
  • Capital Improvement Plan: Identify specific infrastructure improvements (i.e. sewer, transportation, waste management, stormwater, public water, and open space) and outline a financing plan.
  • California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Document: Complete the appropriate CEQA document that will substantially streamline the environmental review needed for future infill development and public infrastructure projects in the TOD.

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Department of Regional Planning
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Los Angeles, CA 90012
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TDD: (213) 617-2292